Economic Affairs Division is responsible for assessment of requirements, programming and negotiations of external economic assistance related to the Government of Pakistan and its constituent units from foreign Governments and multilateral agencies.
The issues regarding external debt management and matters relating to technical assistance to foreign countries, credit to friendly countries on lending / re-lending of foreign loans and monitoring of aid utilization are being handled by this division.
The functions and responsibilities of the Economic Affairs Division as listed in Schedule II of Rules of Business 1973 are:
• Assessment of requirements, programming and negotiations for external economic assistance from foreign governments and organizations.
• Matters relating to IBRD, IDA, IFC, ADB and IFAD.
• Economic matters pertaining to Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, Governing Council of UNDP, ESCAP, (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific) Colombo Plan and OECD (DAC)
• Negotiations and coordination activities etc., pertaining to economic cooperation with other countries (excluding RCD and IPECC)
• Assessment of requirements, programming and negotiation for securing technical assistance to Pakistan from foreign governments and organizations including nominations for EDI courses.
• Matters relating to technical assistance to foreign countries.
• External debt management, including authorization of remittances for all external debt service, compilation, accounting and analysis of economic assistance from foreign governments and organizations.
• Review and appraisal of international and regional economic trends and their impact on the national economy. Proposals concerning change in international economic order.
• Matters relating to transfer of technology under UNDP assistance.
• Matters relating to Islamic Development Bank.