Address By Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Ali, President Islamic Dev. Bank
Address By Dr. Salman Shah, Advisor to the Prime Minister
Address By Mr. Juan Miranda Dir. Gen. Central and W. Asia ADB
Address By Mr. Praful C. Patel, V. President S.A. Region W.B.
Address By Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
ANNOTATED AGENDA - Pakistan Development Forum 2006
Delegate Brief - Pakistan Development Forum
Pakistan Development Forum 2006 Conference Report
It is an immense pleasure for me to present this compendium of the proceedings of the 2006 Pakistan Development Forum, held from 10-11 May inIslamabad.
The PDF is a unique opportunity for Government and Pakistan s development partners to share information and exchange ideas. The title of the 2006 PDF was Drivers of Economic Growth: Unleashing the Potential of the Private Sector . Set against the context of the considerable progress made by Pakistan in terms of macro-economic stability and economic growth over the past few years, the focus of this year s PDF was on how to ensure sustained growth and, specifically, what role the private sector could play in this.
Speakers and panelists were invited from Government, the private sector, academia and civil society to address issues related to the specified conference theme (the private sector, SMEs, infrastructure) as well as recurrent PDF themes of reform (devolution, second-generation reforms) and development (MDGs and human development, social protection, environmental sustainability). Session VIII on improving aid effectiveness was of direct relevance to Pakistan s development partners.
In order to promote effective dialogue, considerable effort was put into preparing for the Forum: both organizational arrangements and program development. For the first time a dedicated PDF Secretariat was set up within the Donor Coordination Cell. Supporting materials produced for the 2006 PDF included: annotated agenda, Delegate Brief, Background Briefs for each session, and a dedicated PDF website. The hard work put in before the PDF contributed to making it a great success.
This Report gives a session-wise summary of the Conference Proceedings. In preparing the report, a deliberate effort has been made to avoid a reporting format and to convey the main points of each session in a reader-friendly manner. Full presentations and statements are given in the Annexes, alongside the agenda and chair/speaker profiles.
The Background Briefs prepared for the 2006 PDF outline the wider thematic context in more detail. Each Brief describes the issue, initiatives undertaken by the Government and others, progress on these, and highlights key priority areas. These Briefs will have utility beyond the 2006 PDF. For this reason, they have been compiled and printed as a separate volume. Taken together, the two volumes provide a lasting record of the 2006 PDF, and allow those unable to attend to share in the learning process.
Finally, I would like to express appreciation for the support provided by our development partners: the World Bank who co-sponsored the PDF; DFID for enabling international experts to participate; and CIDA for providing technical support to help prepare for the PDF. I would also like to commend the EAD personnel for their excellent organization and management of the PDF.
Dr Salman Shah
Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs and Statistics.
The authors would like to express particular gratitude to Mr Khalid Saeed, Secretary EAD, for his invaluable comments and advice, and to Ms Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Economic Affairs, for her encouragement and support.
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